Title: Bring It On! Word count: 100 Fandom: Tower Prep Challenge: #105 Notes: Set preseries for Tower Prep. This movie has three BTVS actors, Eliza Dushku, Clare Kramer(Glory), and Nicole Bilderback(a Cordette)
Title: Of Love and Fauna Word count: 100 Fandom: Tower Prep Challenge: #103 Notes: Takes place during Field Trip(1.08) for Tower Prep and about two weeks after Dark Horse.
Title: Gametime Distractions Word count: 100 Fandom: Tower Prep Challenge: #102 Notes: Takes place during Buffer(1.04) for Tower Prep. Set a few months after Enrollment.
title: Enrollment word count: 100 fandom: Tower Prep challenge: #101 notes: Set post Chosen for Buffy, no comic verse. Set pre New Kid(1.01) for Tower Prep but with a major spoiler for Fathers(1.13)